中国日报网5月5日电 从1999年开始,每年夏天都会有一批复旦学子,奔赴千里之外的宁夏西海固的三合中学支教。支教者走进宁夏西海固,与这里的孩子结下跨越山海的情谊,巨芬视创的纪录片——《支教者》辗转宁夏、上海,真实记录复旦支教者和宁夏西海固的孩子们...
Since 1999, every summer a group of Fudan students have been going to teach at San He Middle School in Xihaigu area, Ningxia, thousands of miles away. The documentary "The Supporting Teachers", created by Yinchuan Jufen Visual Creativity Co., Ltd, truly recorded the story among volunteer teachers and the children in Xihaigu, Ningxia.
复旦大学有七栋教学楼,上海校园里只有六栋,“第七教学楼”在宁夏的贫困山区里,每年都会有一批学子前去支教。吴恒老师的故事,是从一本字典开始的……(中国日报宁夏记者站胡冬梅 视频巨芬视创 )
There are 7 teaching buildings at Fudan University, but only six on the Shanghai campus. The "7th teaching building" is in the poor mountainous region of Ningxia, where a group of students volunteer to teach every year. Mr. Wu Heng's story began with a dictionary.